4.14 == This Years LTS Kernel

As the 4.13 release has now happened, the merge window for the 4.14 kernel release is now open. I mentioned this many weeks ago, but as the word doesn’t seem to have gotten very far based on various emails I’ve had recently, I figured I need to say it here as well.

So, here it is officially, 4.14 should be the next LTS kernel that I’ll be supporting with stable kernel patch backports for at least two years, unless it really is a horrid release and has major problems. If so, I reserve the right to pick a different kernel, but odds are, given just how well our development cycle has been going, that shouldn’t be a problem (although I guess I just doomed it now…)

As always, if people have questions about this, email me and I will be glad to discuss it, or talk to me in person next week at the LinuxCon^WOpenSourceSummit or Plumbers conference in Los Angeles, or at any of the other conferences I’ll be at this year (ELCE, Kernel Recipes, etc.)